Oak Hill Baptist Church
Oak Hill Baptist Church
Saturday, July 27, 2024
God Loves You, Come See!
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Pastor's Corner


Dear church family and friends,
   Summer is now upon us and the kids are getting out of school.  It seems yesterday was Christmas.  I guess the old saying is right; that time flies.  Especially as we grow older.
I hope we can all enjoy some "off" time this summer and renew our bodies and minds.  Don't get in such a hurry that you can't give time to the Lord; praying and reading His words.  Take the time to listen for that small, still voice.   
    I think we enjoyed the three church revival and am hopeful that we can do more together as God's people.  It's a great opportunity for us smaller churches to gather, fellowship and worship together.  It gives a good feeling to see the church with many people there. 
     I'm still working on getting my health improved.  It seems our bodies have a mind of their own as we age. I covet your prayers for Brenda and I as we continue to seek God's will for us.  
   Continue to pray for each other and again thanks for allowing me to be your pastor.  May God bless and keep you.
Yours in Christ,
Brother Andy