Pastor's Corner
Dear church family and friends,
Spring is getting closer and closer. I am so ready for some better weather. I wanted to thank you for your prayers for Brenda and I as we are trying to get used to our new surroundings. It's been a major change in our lives, but it is nice being close to the kids. There are still many details to take care of, but we are making progress.
We continue to pray for each of you and your families. This church has such a loving heart which makes it so easy to serve here. We hope to plan a revival soon and also look forward to the Unity revival which has had a good attendance from all of our churches.
Easter is coming soon and I pray we keep the message of Easter in our hearts. We serve a risen Lord! He overcame death for each of us and gives us the opportunity to live and serve Him forever.
Continue to pray for each other and again thanks for allowing me to be your pastor. May God bless and keep you.
Yours in Christ,
Brother Andy